This is for page authors who are authorized to enter and edit events.
Clicking on the Manage Event button allows selected users to add/edit or delete events some/all site calendars.
- Events fall into two categories, Headlines and Timed Events. Both may have attached detailed descriptions of the events.

- Events occur on a specified day, have a specified start and stop time, and are assigned to a specific calendar.
- Headlines occur on a specific day, but the start time is used only to control the order in which they will be displayed. Enter '0:00 am' if you do not want to control the order of headlines.
Search for Event Right Side
- Events can be searched for by words in their Short Description, Date and or Calendar. Use an '*' for a wild card. For example to search all events in June of 2009 enter '6/*/2009' in the date field. Note: if you leave the date field blank, the current month in the current year will be used. This prevents all the events in the system from being displayed.
- Results of the search are displayed below. Click on either the Icon or Date time of the search to select a search and have it displayed on the left side of the form.
- If neither a search term nor a date is specified then the current month will be searched.
Add/Edit Events Left Side

- The event ID is a system generated unique number and is used to refer to a specific event.
- The Org. drop down list is used to select in which Calendar an event belongs.
- The date is entered in standard US format (i.e,. mm/dd/yyyy). The system will try to determine if the date is in fact valid before storing the event (e.g., 30th of February won't be accepted).
- The start time and stop time are entered in hh:mm am|pm notation. Noon is 12:00 pm
Note: while times are not displayed with a headline, their display is in order of their 'start times'.
- The stop time of an event is optional.
- Headlines need to have a start time 0:00 am is fine. You can enter different start times for headlines to control the order in which they will appear.
- Event type can specify
- Headline: events w/o time that are displayed before all other events on the Day Detail Page and using the |.Headline:d.| tag, where d is either D (for daily), W (for weekly) or M (for monthly) and specifies the range of Headlines which will be displayed. The Daily and Weekly type tags always are tied to the current date. The Monthly range is the current month. Note: if one or more Single Calendars are displayed on the same page, moving any of the calendars forward or backwards will also move the month whose headlines will be displayed. If ':#' is added after the :d then only those headlines corresponding to calendar whose # is specified will be displayed. If not specified then the headlines for all the events will be displayed
- Important: events which will be displayed both on the individual Division calendar and on the composite calendar. In addition the |.Important:d.| tag will display both the Headlines and the Important events. Again, adding ':#' after :d will cause only the headlines and important for the appropriate calendar to be displayed. For example, if there are three calendars: 1, 3, 4 then |.Important:d.| will display Headlines and Important events found on any of the calendars. but |.Important:d:4.| will display only headlines and important events found on calendar number 4. Important events display just like normal events on the individual calendar's Month at a Glance and Day Detail views.
- Normal: events which will be displayed only on the individual Division's calendars.
- The Schedule specifies what kind of day. By default the system supports Holiday, Special Day and normal day. The system generates specific styles on the calendars if any event on a given day is either a Holiday or Special Day. This allows the use of background images, etc. to highlight specific kinds of days.
- The Short Description is displayed as the Headline or after the date and time information on the calendar listing.
- The optional long description is displayed as as pop up and is build using the standard editor. As of this writing the images inserted into a long description must be specified using full URL.